Canada Goose Holiday ’19
Generations of Warmth

Colour, VFX

Celebrating family bonds! We cozied up to colour Canada Goose’s stunning Holiday 2019 campaign and it gave us all the feels.

Sunset on one side, and lush mountains on the other, it was a perfect creative challenge for Adam James Kemp, the lead colourist on this project.

“It was a great opportunity to work with some beautiful landscapes and the welcome challenge of working with a variety of skin tones in many different light environments.”

Adam James Kemp Colourist

Since the crew wasn’t able to jump of the cliff at sunset for our hero drone shot. Our trusted partner, Kevin Luttman compositor made sure that their basecamp was safely removed from the shot.

Additional Credits

Producer – Kirsten White @Makers, Toronto

The compilation of all content on this site is representative of each artist’s personal portfolio, representing their talent, and is presented as such. DIVISN is an artist’s collective roster of individual post-production professionals.

All trademarks, trade names, product names, and logos are copyrighted to their respective owners. All production is the property of, and credited to their respective owners.


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website designed with kärlek by Alexander Knutagård ❤️