HelloFresh / Zero Forks

Offline, Audio, Colour, Online

Taxi, known for their delicious Creative, invited us to help cook up three delectable spots for HelloFresh Zero Forks, a world-leading meal-kit delivery service. Directed by master chef Daniel Sheppard of Partners Film!

Things really got cooking with this all star team, and we cheffed up something marvellous!  Enjoy wherever your table may be.

HelloFresh is a global brand so we prepared a couple bite size 30s spots to go along with the hero video. Flexibility was the key ingredient both offline, online, and IRL.

Fast pace and comic reliefs were very important while building these. 

“My colour palette for these scenes was Budweiser Red and Blue Jeans. These complimentary colours help create a pleasant look, while the ambience ofAs a real-life workin’ mom I love that HelloFresh gives you the flexibility to order what and when you want. There is something for everyone’s tastes the urban setting helped provide the most of the mood.”

Jessalyn Wanlim

We were tasked with selecting stock music, a challenge we love as music heads with a deep knowledge of lesser known (non-generic) music services and a passion for music editing. We started with a Chef’s Table vibe, and ended by cutting in drum stems to bring the energy up a notch. 

The online was smooth, with only a handful of shots needing that extra fingerspitzengefühle. Our motion designer Nick Brooks knew the graphics had to be subtle, to keep the focus on the product and service. On trend and minal was the order of the day! 

The biggest challenge was building the last shot of the hero spot. We had 3 plates to work with, and minor food touch ups were needed, but Dino was able to knock these out in a single cloud-based supervised session, joined virtually by creatives Aaron Niven, Dave Fontaine and Brena Johnson.

Freshly produced by Andrea Horodyski and Kelsey-Lynn Corradetti.

We also learned HelloFresh has their own wine delivery business. 


The compilation of all content on this site is representative of each artist’s personal portfolio, representing their talent, and is presented as such. DIVISN is an artist’s collective roster of individual post-production professionals.

All trademarks, trade names, product names, and logos are copyrighted to their respective owners. All production is the property of, and credited to their respective owners.


divisn lobby playlist

website designed with kärlek by Alexander Knutagård ❤️